This is the time to celebrate our children and share their accomplishements with family and the world!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Adnoids and Family!

So there has been alot of excitment around our house. Some not so good, but most of it has been great! On March 15th, Tori had her adnoids removed. Grandma, Aunt Cindy, Amanda, Collin and Madeline came over to visit and support Tori through her surgery. This is Tori holding Madeline. This picture was taken after Toris surgery.

Her surgery went well. She was really scared beforehand. The doctors and nurses tried to eleviated most of her fears but I think that alot of it was built up in her head because of Popa passing away while he was in the hospital. She and I prayed together before she went under general anthesia and everything went well, as I knew it would. When she came to, she was groggy but feeling really wehn and most of all.... starved! She had not eaten since 9pm the night before and her surgery was not until noon! On our drive home she had a banana, a yogurt, pretzels and a bag of bugle chips. I normally don't allow her to pig out on chips. But I made an exception for today. So, Tori goes in for a follow up on the March 30th... But everything is going well for her!

When we got home. Todd was home! We were happy to see him. He had not been home in a month and a half!

We all gathered around for a picture of "the girls" and Nicholas snuck in. From left to right: Grandma (Sonja), Tori and Nicholas, Cindy and Samatha, Amanda and Madeline, Me and Elizabeth. That is little Collin in the background! Everyone had to leave that afternoon and get home! We were sad about them leaving but we were greatful for the time that we were able to spend with them! I know that it is rare to hear good things about in-laws, but mine are truley wonderful! In Kevin's time of crisis they have pulled together and help him out. They are trully a blessing to our life! God could not have blessed me or Todd with a better family!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Welcome Home!

Also, as most of you all know the twins were in foster care for a week... They came home on Wednesday, the 1st of March. When they came home it was a joyful reunion and we were all excited to have them home. The twins said that they wanted Spaghetti for dinner... sothat is what we had. This was taken the evening that they came home.

One is Too Small, and One is Just Right!

One of the Christmas presents from Aunt Cindy was mislabeled and Marcus Accidentyally opened it. It was Nicholas's SpongeBob outfit. He put on the outfit and then wanted to know why Aunt Cindy would buy him clothes that we too small... Then we figured out that it was supposed to be Nicholas's...
Cole's outfit, on the other hand fit him just right!.

Excuse the tardiness on the pictures but I just developed them!