This is the time to celebrate our children and share their accomplishements with family and the world!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Christmas Eve 2005

So, the kids were all excited about Christmas! They could not believe all the presents that they had under the tree! They definitely had gumdrops dancing in their dreams! Grandma Sonja sends the grandkids new pajamas every year for their Christmas eve presents. They were all excited to get to open a present on Christmas Eve... but when they saw that is was pajamas they wanted to open another one. Mom and Dad just laughed and said "Nope, now get into your jammies and get to bed so Santa can come."

Tori has decided that she is too old to believe in Santa. Which I would agree... She is 10 years old. That was about the time that my mom told me that Santa used to be a real person who would bring gifts to people in need, and that his spirit of giving still lives on and that is why parents keep that tradition alive. She alos told me that there have been times when they were not able to give us stuff for Christmas and presents were still there and they had nto bought them. I believe now that it was God, who continuted to provide for us kids, as he does every year that Todd and I have a rough year. God has blessed us many times and will continue to bless us in the years to come. God Bless all of you!!


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