This is the time to celebrate our children and share their accomplishements with family and the world!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Queen Elizabeth

Elizabeth is 4 years old and a wonderful little girl! She is smart, as well as, beautiful! She had a princess dress that she loved to wear but it was getting too small for her. The shoulders were ripping out and she would not let her mommy throw the dress away. So, Maggie and I thought that if we bought her a replacement dress that she would let go of her pink princess dress. It was successful. She loves her new princess dress and to top it all off, this one flys up when she twirls... see!

Kids will be kids

In our home, we have a kind of routine. The kids come home from school, eat snack and either do chores or go out an play. The later half all depends on how the house looks. Usually, its going out to play. But when the weather is bad, they entertain themselves in the house. Here they are..just being kids

The Queen with her Crown of glory

Monday, the 24th, was picture day and boys are easy. The get a nice shirt on and comb their hair and they are good to go! But girls are a different story! The preparation for them is a little more time consuming, usually you have to start the night before. Samantha had her hair braided but Tori wanted curly hair. So, we curled her hair and she had to sleep in it. Her hair turned out you will see later when i get her school pictures back. But here she is the night before.

Mighty Man of Valour and the Tree


Kevin, Maggie and I were in the house and the kids were outside playing. Cole comes in the house and says, "Mom, Gideon is stuck in the tree." So I said,"Tell him to get unstuck." I was thinking that his pant leg had gotten caught on a branch or something. Marcus comes in and says that Gideon is really stuck and can't get down. So, Kevin, Maggie and I went out to investigate.
There was Gideon...stuck in the tree alright...his knee had gotten wedge in between two main limbs and he could not get out. Kevin and I tried pulling, prying, pushing, jiggling, wiggling and we were doing was stressing Gideon. We thought of using a chainsaw to cut one of the limbs but his leg was REALLY stuck and we did not want to take the chance of hurting him. So we called 911. The Lind Volunteer emergency vehicle showed up...along with 4 cars full of volunteers. The volunteers decided to attach a wench to a limb and seperate the limbs just enough to get Gideon's knee out. It was successful! Gideon was not hurt, with the exception of his pride. He was not able to laugh about it while in the tree and mom was taking pictures for his scrapbook. But, about an hour later, while I was sending the pictures to all the relatives...he was laughing as much as the adults.

In the Begining...

So, a friend of mine has a blog here at this site and I thought it was wonderful how their family was able to see the family grow. I know that my family is far away and can not see us every day. I decided to start a blog for all the relatives that live far and away adn they can see the daily happenings in our big and busy home, in the small, tiny town of Lind. At first you will notice a bunch of posting on one day. This is to get everyone up to date on the happenings of our happy home.